Maya Been is now working in the Family activity.
Child ID-61529967130222
Maya Been is 23 years old. Her father name is Romesh Been and mother’s name Phulmoti Been. They live in Katakhali saheb quarter, Mymensingh.
In January 2020 CBR Officer of LAUGH Project came to visit Maya Been house and enlisted her as a member of LAUGH project. CBR officer make need assessment individual Rehabilitation plan (IRP) with sort term and long term goals of Maya been. Beside he set activity of daily living and social improvement activities.
She was less interested to do family activities, she don’t like to go outside from her home. She doesn’t like to participate any social activities.
After joining Laugh Project her parents received different awareness session through telecommunication by the support of DRRA. From organization level DRRA staff arrange meeting with parents about child management and COVID 19. Sometime they involve some expert person to give advice to the parents.
Beside CBR worker motivated her family about her family activities and social participation. Through LAUGH project Maya been participate open house and weekly sports program. Beside she likes to doing family activities with her mother.
Now Maya enjoy her life and her family also very happy to see her improvement.